
The Hawktalon, Comic Saga is an ongoing webcomic series originally based on Erin Hunter’s Warriors book series. It began in 2010 on the original Warrior Cats Online Forum with Yin and Yang and has continued to the present with six total comics (counting the 2016 remake of Yin and Yang and the currently-updating Kingdom Come).

In 2018, the author/artist began a second webcomic unrelated to the Saga, this time based on the video game series Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.

As of January 2023, there are once-weekly updates for Kingdom Come.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Outlanders is on hiatus until further notice.

Completed Comics

(click the covers above to read each completed comic. covers are presented in chronological story order)

(you can also click the menu links at the top of this page to be taken to the same location)

Current comics

cover by Jayie-The-Hufflepuff

(click the covers to be sent to DeviantART, where the current comics are also updated)

(you can also click the menu links at the top of this page to read them)

About the artist/author

25 year old digital artist based in Virginia, USA

Uses a Huion drawing tablet and the digital art program FireAlpaca

Likes Pokémon, cryptids, mythology, cats, birds, bats, playing ukulele, Star Wars, and playing Dungeons and Dragons

Has a gigantic yellow lab puppy named Archie and a very tiny neon green and yellow parakeet named Skittles


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